BuildingEnergy Boston 2022 Speakers

Amy Barad's pictureAmy Barad
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

Barbra BatShalom's pictureBarbra BatShalom
Sustainable Performance Institute (SPI)

Lauren Baumann's pictureLauren Baumann
Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP)

Katrina Belle's pictureKatrina Belle
Maine Passive House, LLC

Dave Boettcher's pictureDave Boettcher
Abode Energy Management

Kerry Bowie's pictureKerry Bowie
Browning The Green Space

Beverly Craig's pictureBeverly Craig
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

John  Durant's pictureJohn Durant
Tufts University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Addison Godine's pictureAddison Godine
OPAL / Architecture / Research / Design

Marcell Graeff's pictureMarcell Graeff

Janel Granum's pictureJanel Granum
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

Greer Hamilton's pictureGreer Hamilton
Tufts University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Kate Hickcox's pictureKate Hickcox
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Nancy Ludwig's pictureNancy Ludwig
ICON Architecture

Lily Lukaszevicz's pictureLily Lukaszevicz
Lewis Creek Builders

Chase Macpherson's pictureChase Macpherson
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)

Brendan Mangino's pictureBrendan Mangino
Taitem Engineering

Melissa Mattes's pictureMelissa Mattes
Sladen Feinstein Integrated Lighting

James Moriarty's pictureJames Moriarty
Sustainable Comfort

Kenneth Neuhauser's pictureKenneth Neuhauser
Building Evolution Corporation

Jude Nuru's pictureJude Nuru
ReVision Energy

Paul Ormond's picturePaul Ormond
MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER)

Samantha Pearce's pictureSamantha Pearce
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (NYSHCR)

Christoph Reinhart's pictureChristoph Reinhart
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Mark Schow's pictureMark Schow
Elevated Design Inc.

Jameson Small's pictureJameson Small
Organization For Refugee and Immigrant Success

Jacob Snow's pictureJacob Snow
University of Maine Orono

Wesley Stanhope's pictureWesley Stanhope
Building Evolution Corporation

Pat  Stanton's picturePat Stanton

Kate Stephenson's pictureKate Stephenson
HELM Construction Solutions

Jason Taylor's pictureJason Taylor
Byggmeister, Inc.

Matthew Tonello's pictureMatthew Tonello
Consigli Construction

Warley Williams's pictureWarley Williams
Greater New Bedford Vocational Technical High School

Andy Winslow's pictureAndy Winslow
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)

Paula Zimin's picturePaula Zimin
Steven Winter Associates