Take Charge and Electrify That Building!
Most of our existing buildings are already constructed with fossil fuels as the heat source. In this session, BEC will demonstrate the successes of retrofitting high performance electrification, through real projects in various phases from design to completion. Following that, we will focus on multifamily design considerations for all-electric hot water systems, including central air to water heat pump options, central VRF hot water plants, and distributed heat pump water heaters. This will include data on operation, and installation cost from a central CO2 air to water heat pump system in Ithaca, NY.
Session Speaker(s):
Session Chair(s):
Event Time:
Room / Location:
Harbor 1-2
CEU Information:
CEU Credits:
Learning Objectives:
- Compare the cost and performance of electrification to replacement in kind.
- Explore the relationship between energy costs and operational costs as they relate to electrification.
- Identify options for all-electric hot water systems and applications for multifamily buildings
- Describe design characteristics of all-electric hot water systems suitable for various building configurations.