BuildingEnergy Case Studies

Welcome to the BuildingEnergy Case Studies database - In cooperation with the Net Zero Energy Coalition
The goal of this database is to showcase buildings that exemplify the best practices in high performance building and low-energy lifestyles. Projects qualify via participation in an eligible program (see list below) or by providing energy use data or an energy model as evidence of achieving zero net energy on an annual basis, plus or minus 10 percent. Projects with renewable energy production that exceeds their annual energy use by more than 10 percent are designated as net exporters.
Eligible programs:
- U.S. DOE Zero Energy Ready Home
- International Living Future Institute Net Zero Energy Building Certification
- Earth Advantage Net Zero & Net Zero Ready
- Passive House (PHIUS, PHI)
- Thousand Home Challenge
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NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.