BuildingEnergy 15 Schedule: Speakers

Workshop Presenters

Mitch Anthony's pictureMitch Anthony

Matthew Bronski's pictureMatthew Bronski

Steven Burke's pictureSteven Burke

Adam Cohen's pictureAdam Cohen

Ed Connelly's pictureEd Connelly

Martine Dion's pictureMartine Dion

Kevin Flynn's pictureKevin Flynn

Scott Greenbaum's pictureScott Greenbaum

Ken Levenson's pictureKen Levenson

Fortunat Mueller's pictureFortunat Mueller

Jim Newman's pictureJim Newman

Greg Norris's pictureGreg Norris

Kurt Roth's pictureKurt Roth

Christopher Schaffner's pictureChristopher Schaffner

Peter Temple's picturePeter Temple

Alan Wall's pictureAlan Wall

John Abrams's pictureJohn Abrams

Toby Ast's pictureToby Ast
Bright Power

Chris Benedict's pictureChris Benedict
Chris Benedict, R.A.

Terry Brennan's pictureTerry Brennan
Camroden Associates

Howard Brown's pictureHoward Brown

Christopher Diamond's pictureChristopher Diamond
NYC Department of Design and Construction

Mick Dunn's pictureMick Dunn

Paul Eldrenkamp's picturePaul Eldrenkamp
HELM Construction Solutions

Paul Francisco's picturePaul Francisco
Indoor Climate and Research Training

Janet Gail Besser's pictureJanet Gail Besser

Tom Hartman's pictureTom Hartman
C&H Architects

Thomas Holmes's pictureThomas Holmes

Stephanie Horowitz's pictureStephanie Horowitz
ZeroEnergy Design

Jason Jewhurst's pictureJason Jewhurst
Bruner/Cott Architects, Inc.

Declan  Keefe's pictureDeclan Keefe
Co-Everything, LLC

Julie Klump's pictureJulie Klump
Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH)

Ken Levenson's pictureKen Levenson
The Passive House Network (PHN)

Mark Loeffler's pictureMark Loeffler
Mark Loeffler Design Consulting, LLC

Bill Maclay's pictureBill Maclay
Maclay Architects

Cliff Majersik's pictureCliff Majersik
Institute For Market Transformation (IMT)

Ace McArleton's pictureAce McArleton
New Frameworks Natural Design/Build

Paula Melton's picturePaula Melton
BuildingGreen, Inc.

Heather Nolen's pictureHeather Nolen
Association For Energy Affordability (AEA)

Nathan Phelps's pictureNathan Phelps
Vote Solar

Andrea Ranger's pictureAndrea Ranger
Collaborative for High Performance Schools

Matt Root's pictureMatt Root
Integrated Eco Strategy

Marc Rosenbaum's pictureMarc Rosenbaum

Andy Shapiro's pictureAndy Shapiro
Energy Balance, Inc.

Chuck Silver's pictureChuck Silver
Hudson River Design

Craig Simmons's pictureCraig Simmons
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

John Snell's pictureJohn Snell
Peregrine Energy Group

John Todd's pictureJohn Todd
John Todd Ecological Design

Kohta Ueno's pictureKohta Ueno
Building Science Corporation

Mark Webster's pictureMark Webster
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

Peter Yost's picturePeter Yost

Marc Zuluaga's pictureMarc Zuluaga
Cadence OneFive