Thermal Bridging '22 What to Know and What to Do
Thermal Bridging can lead to problematic condensation, increased energy usage, reduced occupant comfort, and even noncompliance with energy codes. However, we have the tools to address this challenge. In this session, we will review the three types of structural thermal bridging, briefly cover foundation and slab edge insulation placement and detailing, summarize the conductive thermal requirements of the Energy Codes and, most importantly, identify strategies to calculate the impact on code compliance of structural thermal bridging conditions and mitigated details.
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CEU Information:
Approved for one credit hour through AIA (LU), BOC, BPI, GBCI (BD+C, WELL), NARI, Phius, and RESNET.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize and communicate the magnitude of impact structural details have on energy code compliance.
- Differentiate between thermal bridging conditions that can have a significant, quantitative effect on building energy loss and those that have minimal effect.
- Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of some of the design options available for mitigation of structural thermal bridging.
- Address specific NYC Energy Code and NYStretch requirements when assessing and mitigating thermal bridging conditions.
Session Documents: