Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: How Smart Buildings are Decarbonizing NYC
While demand response has been around for decades, allowing utility companies to mitigate peak demand and generate revenue for buildings, we are seeing more opportunities for interactive demand management, resident participation, and electrification-enabling technologies. Battery storage, EV charging, and smart, connected devices are becoming more affordable thanks to growing technology options, consumer demand, incentives, and tax credits, presenting new opportunities for building owners and residents to participate in grid services and reduce loads, saving money and carbon. This session will present commercially viable GEB solutions that enable electrification, reduce utility costs, engage facility managers and residents, and mitigate carbon emissions.
Session Speaker(s):
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CEU Information:
Approved for 1 credit hour toward AIA (LU), BPI, GBCI (BD+C, ID+C, O+M), and BOC certification. Credit is offered for the full conference day toward NARI, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.
Learning Objectives:
- Dissect the integrated components of a Grid-interactive Efficient Building and virtual power plant
- Identify revenue streams that enable GEB technologies such as battery storage
- Employ innovative approaches for maximizing load flexibility in buildings in order to reduce operating costs, generate revenue, and reduce or avoid carbon emissions
- Explain the roles of different stakeholders in the planning, design, financing, construction, and operational stages of GEBs
Session Documents: