A Practical Approach to Understanding, Managing, and Reducing Your Building’s Emissions

As an increasing number of local governments are adopting building emissions reduction policies, building owners are evaluating measures to decarbonize and lower emissions, while adhering to these new standards. Achieving this level of emissions reduction requires proper measurement, verification, and manual reporting, which is subject to human error and can leave owners vulnerable to heavy fines. Join CTI/HTS and C3/Rimkus for a practical approach to building your portfolio’s roadmap to achieve a sustainable future and to learn about the technologies available for automating your emissions measurement and reporting process. Automating the measurement of your decarbonization process can also be used to identify emissions reduction capital projects and help with prioritization and budgeting.

Event Time: 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Room / Location: 

Marina 2

Session ID: 
