Retrofitting Existing Buildings into Low-Carbon Assets
Retrofitting buildings to reduce operating emissions is a key climate strategy. Viable, affordable, and scalable strategies must be implemented. However, we must avoid a surge of embodied carbon emissions from the manufacturing of building materials. This presentation showcases research and case studies evaluating the embodied carbon investment of varying retrofit assembly strategies and construction methodologies in cold climates with the expected operational carbon savings. We will hold an introductory how-to workshop on low embodied carbon approaches that exist today. With this knowledge, manufacturers and design teams can substitute low embodied carbon and carbon storing materials in deep energy retrofits.
Session Speaker(s):
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Event Time:
Room / Location:
Marina 1
CEU Information:
Approved for 1 credit hour toward AIA (LU), BOC, BPI, and NARI certification. Credit is offered for each full conference day toward MA CSL, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover tools to calculate the embodied carbon associated with various deep energy retrofit exterior insulation assemblies and assess the differences and relationship between embodied carbon and operating carbon emissions in building retrofits.
- Amortize the upfront embodied carbon emissions costs associated with a deep energy retrofit with the anticipated operating carbon emissions savings.
- Differentiate key components in exterior assemblies that benefit from the strategic use of low-embodied carbon materials and carbon storing materials.
- Discuss policies and market development which support investment in low embodied carbon and carbon storing materials and deep energy retrofits solutions.
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