Prescription for Better Buildings: Phius Prescriptive Path from Start to Plaque
Phius (formerly the Passive House Institute U.S.) introduced a new version of their certification standard in 2021 with the goal of making it easier and more affordable for single-family residential homes to achieve certification. In this presentation, you will learn about this new Prescriptive Path and how it can simplify the design and certification process for single-family homes and make certification available for a wider range of project teams, project sizes and project budgets. We will cover the design intent of the certification update, review critical changes and discuss ways it will effect the path to certification. Several case studies will be presented including a series of urban infill projects in Milwaukee, WI and a series of design-build single family homes in the Hudson Valley, NY. Audience questions and discussion included.
Session Speaker(s):
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CEU Information:
Approved for one credit hour through AIA (LU|HSW), BOC, BPI, GBCI (ID+C, BD+C), NARI, Phius, and RESNET.
Learning Objectives:
- Summarize the creation of the PHIUS 2021 CORE prescriptive path and its implications for the design industry
- Analyze the application of the prescriptive path to a number of projects throughout the east coast
- Account for climate-specific variables and how they change depending on the project location
- Make use of a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the prescriptive checklist
Session Documents: