Do the Math: Financing Decarbonization in Existing Multifamily Housing

We invite you to an interactive session on financing strategies for preparing New York's affordable housing to meet the climate goals of New York State and New York City. Presenters will share insights from Sustainable Affordable Housing, a recently published white paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and present an affordable housing finance model that demonstrates the need for innovative financial tools and incentives to drive early adoption.

Event Time: 

Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 1:45pm to 2:45pm

Room / Location: 

The Hub

CEU Information: 

Approved for 1 credit hour toward AIA (LU), and BOC certification. Credit is offered for the full conference day toward NARI, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the broad context of affordable housing finance
  • Assess the opportunities and challenges of making deep green improvements at different properties
  • Compare and contrast different capital sources available to pay for decarbonization
  • Take advantage of new sources of capital that can be "created" at the building-level

Session Documents: 

Session ID: 
