BuildingEnergy Pro Tours & Events

Posted on 12/16/2014
On a sunny, crisp day in December 40 people (many NESEA members) embarked on the Bensonwood and Unity Homes Pro Tour.

Miriam Aylward's picture

BE Boston Past RegistrantsBE NYC Past RegistrantsBusiness MemberGreen Company ManagerMember

Posted on 11/21/2014

Join us on Friday, December 5 for a half-day tour of two sites, one in Southern Vermont and one in Southern New Hampshire.

Posted on 11/13/2014

On Friday, November 7th NESEA hosted a BuildingEnergy Pro Tour in Rhode Island.

Posted on 08/26/2013

There is something unique to walking into the most innovative buildings in New England and hearing the experiences of the designers, builders, and owners.