Public Handwashing System Design Considerations
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Note: Because of accrediting organizations' rules, CEUs were available for attending the live event, but not for viewing the recording.
Public Handwashing System Design Considerations
The Importance of Effective Handwashing and Its Impact on Global Health
SPONSORED BY EEMAX - This webinar is designed for architects, engineers, facility managers, contractors, and builders who work in residential, commercial and industrial applications and will address the challenges associated with designing reliable, energy efficient, and code compliant public handwashing stations.
We will review current plumbing codes, public health agency guidelines, and regulatory statutes and present a case study of the first net zero emissions school in Massachusetts, in which Eemax installed 163 water heating units. This school was featured on a BuildingEnergy Pro Tour in August of 2019, and comprises over 273,000 sf, and includes a middle school and elementary school, district administration offices for the school district, a public library, a public pool and other public functions. Presenters will detail how Eemax’s tankless water heating solution eliminated recirculation loops and standby heat loss in this project, and resulted in significant energy savings, as well as material and labor savings in the construction phase.
- View a Case Study of the King Open School Project
- View a tour and interviews about the King Open School Project
Learning Objectives:
Gain an understanding of service water heating code bodies that dictate design parameters for safe and efficient hot water delivery. Code considerations: UL, UPC, IPC, IECC, ANSI, NEC
Gain an understanding of current public health agency guidelines specific to handwashing and the effects on health. Agencies covered: ASHRAE, CDC, CMS, DoE, EPA, OSHA, WHO
Learn how water temperature can impact—both positively and negatively—the health efficacy of handwashing.
Be able to explain the differences between traditional and non-traditional types of water heating technologies, and identify strengths and limitations of each in handwashing applications.
Gain an understand of the benefits gained with tankless electric water heating systems.
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